Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) dalam Perspektif Psikologi Belajar Matematika
DOI : 10.30863/ekspose.v18i1.364
Matematika merupakan mata pelajaran yang dipelajari hampir ditiap jenjang pendidikan. Namun fakta yang terjadi di lapangan masih banyak siswa cenderung menganggap matematika sebagai pelajaran yang membosankan dan menakutkan karena penuh dengan angka dan rumus. Untuk itu pembelajaran matematika dilakukan dengan memperhatikan konsep akan menjadikan siswa belajar bermakna (meaningful learning). Konsep yang dipelajari disesuaikan dengan alur belajar yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Alur belajar atau hypothetical learning trajectory sendiri terdiri atas tiga aspek yaitu: (1) tujuan pembelajaran, (2) aktivitas belajar, (3) hipotesis belajar. Hipotesis belajar diperlukan guru guna mendesain pembelajaran yang akan sesuai dengan pola pemikiran siswa di kelas sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa.
Mathematics was a subject that was studied in almost every level of education. But the facts that occur in the field are still many students tend to think of mathematics as a boring and scary lesson because it was full of numbers and formulas. For that mathematics learning was done by paying attention to the concept will make students learn meaningfully. The concepts learned were tailored to the learning flow that was owned by students. The learning flow or hypothetical learning trajectory itself consists of three aspects, i.e. (1) learning objectives, (2) learning activities, and (3) learning hypotheses. The learning hypothesis was needed by the teacher to design learning that would suit the thinking patterns of students in the class according to the characteristics of students.
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